Judenäule in English language

a short story by frido suti

I am publishing a story from my earliest youth for my English-speaking friends. At
the time when Chidler still held the Germans firmly in his hand.

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Henriette and Frido Suti

Frido Suti and his sister Henriette

Soon 100 years ago, my mother put me and my sister in a children's home run by Catholic nuns, whose mother tongue was German.

Children home

Most of the children in this home had all been given into the house at infancy. They grew up there without getting to know more about the world than the rooms of the home and the Catholic faith.

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Foster family

From foster family to foster family

The two were not very different, the sister and Frido. In the past, they had changed from foster family to foster family within two years.

The mother was a hair dresser. Her name was Dressler not Suti.

The mother went through life as a hairdresser, below the lowest subsistence level, but with the financial help of the Lengnauer clerk.
Until the relatives of the father, who were based in Endingen near
Baden, vigorously demanded that the two children be raised Catholic.

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German fishing vessel

The father was a fisherman

The father, divorced from his wife, was working on a German fishing vessel, so not tangible to the Swiss authorities.

Frido was a respectful person in the home. 

In the home, Frido was immediately considered a respectful person for the older boys. Weekly, one of these older boys disappeared. He ran away, sought the vastness, and was returned by the police to his home within a week at the latest. Tucked into the Karzer, a hole in the cellar, with water soup and bread.

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flicker around

Flicker around

This poor guy, on his flight, did not possess the worldview that Frido possessed. Due to the frequent change of the foster families he had not only knowledge of the operation of a farm, dealing with cows and horses. He knew how to ride the railways himself, and he knew how to do it. He had also already learned to sit on a bicycle and flicker around with it.

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fresh eggs

The home had a chicken farm

A farm was attached to the children's home in an annexe. A chicken farm. They also fattened rabbits and pigs and sold eggs

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Where is the Suti ?

boys shouted: Where is the suti ?

Frido was given proper respect because he knew more than the older boys. People often shouted, "Where is the Suti?" so it sometimes sounded like an echo through the corridors. 

The gang of the  four

One oft he boys, a real manure in the eyes of the nuns, was called Sozi. His bedside neighbour was the Ruckstuhl, backchair in English.. And the fourth one, a long brown frame, was called Georgi.These were the heads of the children's crowd that are being told about here.

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the hoses of the one-axle tractor plays a rol in this story

Frido Suti struggled to distinguish the past from the past perfect at school. And Sozi, a quirk who knew how a lockpick was made and stole, a real anti-social element.

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catch raptors

Catching raptors with wiker baskets 

This boy was his friend who used a wiker basket to catch raptors. And Georgi, the friend number four, who was responsible for the one-axle trac-tor in the chicken farm, had to patch tyres and put fuel in the tank.

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Chidlers world

2. World war 

Frido was born when Chidler came to power. It didn't take long for World War II to break through Europe.
The Confoederatio Helvetica, the CH, was able to secure the supply of food by operating its own ships. In order to be considered neutral internationally, half of these ships' crews had to be Helvetic citizens. This was controlled on the high seas by Nazis who showed up with the submarine and closed the papers

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Swiss merchant ship

Swiss merchant ships

Switzerland was able to transport important foodstuffs via Lisbon and Genoa with its own ships. Fridos father was on board as a mechanic.


On school-free afternoons, they hurried downhill to the Rhine. The shore was closely guarded, there was a lot of barbed wire and bunkers everywhere. On the bridge on the Rhine, in Koblenz, everbody had to be shown the pass. "Going over to the third?" asked the customs officer, "where the swabs sing: Switzerland, Switzerland, the porcupine, we take it in retreat!"

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The Rhine was the border

The children were afraid that German troops could come across the Rhine at any time. Nevertheless, in the summer they swam over to an island called "Judenäule". That was strictly forbidden, they knew it was an old Jewish cemetery. However, the small island already belonged to the territory of Chidler's third party and was uninhabited.

Flying fortresses tried to
escape to Switzerland

They only swam over secretly, there was nothing to be gotten there. They prefer to look up in the air. Dogfights were taking place above their heads. Terribly thundering flying fortresses, trailing smoke, tried to escape to Switzerland. The crew, obviously in grave mortal danger, was fired upon by the Swiss anti-aircraft guns. A machine was hit, crashed burning in a forest. 

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A parachute opened

A parachute opened. The boys set off. In the direction where the parachute had to land. Because they knew that crashed planes always had chocolate with them as an emergency supply. Sure, they were keen on chocolate.
Sozi was the first to see him. His parachute had caught in the top of a linden tree near the edge of a forest. The corresponding human hung high up in the branches.

Simple, the human hung
high up in the branches

Sozi was the first to see him. His parachute had caught in the top of a linden tree near the edge of a forest. The corresponding human hung high up in the branches.

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Ladder from a field barn

Ladder from a field barn

They removed a ladder from the wall behind an uninhabited field barn and made their way to the linden tree. On the way, a farmer confronted her. "Where did you get the ladder from?" he asked angrily.

Take the ladder back said            the farmer

"Take the ladder back to where you stole it immediately!"

They turned around. Made a bow in the forest and marched on to the linden tree. Helped the plane down from the tree.

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the favorite food

The aviator did give them chocolate 
and introduced himself as Jack.

They turned around. Made a bow in the forest and marched on to the linden tree. Helped the plane down from the tree.
So what?
They couldn't talk to each other.
Sozi said: "He asks you for your name."
"My name is Frido."
The aviator laughed and introduced himself as Jack. He pulled chocolate out of his clothes and said: "For Frido!"

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Jack did give them his chocolate and said:
"For Frido".

The aviators name was Jack. 

They sat down with him on the grass and devoured the chocolate greedily like dogs. Because if they had brought the favorite food into the home, each of them would only have been given a small piece of chocolate. Because the nuns gave the individual children chocolate or other sweets as a gift, not putting it in the hand of the child receiving the gift, but distributing it evenly to all the inmates, in small portions, which they called “Bed Mümpfeli” (the Swiss word they had trouble with) to pronounce correctly.

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can he swim?

Suti asked: can he swim?

So the boys deliberately said, to mock the nuns: "The chocolate must be cleaned away!" In the meantime, they were still sitting on the grass with the plane and advising what to do with it.
"Ask him if he can swim," Frido said to Sozi. He understood what was meant, flailed his arms around in the air like a swimmer, pointed his finger at the plane and drew a question mark in the air.

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A raft made with tractor hoses, hazel rods and cords.

Jack could swim

Frido had the idea of building a raft on the chicken farm. He wanted to do it with tractor hoses, hazel rods and cords.
"We'll take him to the Judenäule during the night," Frido suggested, having been told the Americans were already in Altenburg, on the north side of the Rhine.

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End of the story

The end of the story

Here the story ends. They led Jack to the water late at night, prepared the raft for his clothes, he shook everyone's hand, said "good luck" and disappeared in the dark. They brought the ladder back, snuck home to the dormitory, and swore not to tell anyone.

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New sisters. Same sort.

A new place. Same sort of sisters.

Shortly thereafter, brother and sister came again to another children's home. At the foot of the Säntis, the highest mountain in eastern Switzerland. Surrounded by forests, on whose footpaths the children were taken for walks by the nuns.
"When I one day stand before the Last Judgment, as the nuns predict," said Frido, "then I will have a difficult time. Not because I had sinned against the sixth commandment, You shall not commit adultery, but because I broke my vow not to tell the story any further.
I hope the Last Judgment will be merciful to me," Frido prayed every evening from then on and only closed his eyes when he had managed to say the word Amen.

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